Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chapter 1, Page 3

This was when I finally started working with some larger brushes. And it looks so much better, too! However, I think I'm going to redraw this sequence when I get some time, maybe in the spring. It was pointed out to me that it feels too rushed and compact, and now I can't unsee it. Obviously the only solution is to replace it with something completely new.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chapter 1, Page 2

Page dos! The hand lettering on this one was a lot of fun. (It always makes me think of the Snakes on a Plane theme song-- Come on brrriinng it!). In fact, the only part that was not a lot of fun was the second-to-last panel. That was torturous, it took me forever to get it looking decent. I was still painstakingly working with the 000 brush at this point, along with the size 4 and then a size 2 (I think) rigger. And I think I forgot to mention before that I used white acrylic ink to separate/add texture to the black areas. Also, if anyone's curious, the panels are done with a gigantic Faber-Castell brush pen and a very reliable T-square and ruler. Well, that's all for now.