Let's get started, shall we? I apologize in advance for my overwhelming desire to comment on my own work, but self-control has never been my strong point.
I think the unique challenge with page one was that I had close to no experience with doing line work with a brush beforehand. I'd done maybe five ink and brush (very sketchy) comic pages a couple of months before starting Bad Grammar, and then I just dove right in. Not a technique for the faint of heart, but I recommend it to those who have a difficult time picking up new things. It's pretty much the only way I learn anything about anything.
Anyway, I had zero control with the brush compared to nowadays (a mere four months later), so I started off small; literally. The line work on this entire page was done with a 000 red sable brush, and the black areas filled in with a 4 red sable brush. I would also like to take this opportunity to say that I absolutely adore Loew-Cornell brushes, both red and white sable.
I promise my commentary on future pages won't be quite so lengthy.